Savagely Unnatural DISEASE HAS *NAiLEDMEHARD* IT DOESN'T GET ANY EASIER ... 26 YEARS AND, FEELS LIKE I'VE JUST BEGUN... TO UNDERSTAND... -BUT HOME IS NOWHERE- To this nature, so unnatural I remain alone... Twenty-six years end, still speaking in these tongues Such revelations, while understood by no one...

Thursday, February 09, 2012


I was diagnosed with severe RA when I was 16, but I had been suffering of symptoms for a lot longer. RA robbed me of my teen years and has taken over all of my adult life. There have been many ups and downs and a few years back I started writing a book about my struggle. I believe it is important to to raise awareness, but above all be there for others suffering from the same disease. Whether if aperson gets RA in their youth or adulthood this is a huge cross to bare and most people have no idea what we're going through. Like cancer, this disease does not discriminate when it comes to age. It is a harsh reality that most of us feel we're experiencing alone... and that's one of the main reasons I believe in causes that expose autoimmune arthritis for what it is and offer comfort and support to all of the people who need something or someone to reach out to . After my book gets published I hope I can reach many, educate many more and expose the culprit that is RA without holding back. We can all learn from one another, people who live with or simply know someone suffering from RA can learn a thing or three from causes like this. Remember everyone, it doesn't matter how slowly we move forward as long as we DON'T STOP. Let's be there for one another and not let this this called RA alienate us and/or take away our lives. Our bodies are diseased... WE are NOT. We're still in there, at least I am. I will never let RA crush my spirit and take away my will to live.
Educate that 'arthritis' is not the same as 'autoimmune arth