Savagely Unnatural DISEASE HAS *NAiLEDMEHARD* IT DOESN'T GET ANY EASIER ... 26 YEARS AND, FEELS LIKE I'VE JUST BEGUN... TO UNDERSTAND... -BUT HOME IS NOWHERE- To this nature, so unnatural I remain alone... Twenty-six years end, still speaking in these tongues Such revelations, while understood by no one...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Mindless Gimp

::TiZ I::

A Twirling Cranium
Unable to keep my thoughts together...
Physically falling apart...
An emotional wreck...
I'm a medicated corpse.
::iT'z aLL iN My Head::


Blogger UNNATURAL said...

27 years NOW, and I a great part of me feels the same way. I have learned a great deal during the past year though. I started a public page on facebook called: RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS UPS & DOWNS and it has been very helpful and productive so far. Here is a link to the page:
I also created a ((support)) GROUP called RHEUMATOIDS, which I originally started as a private/SECRET group, but today I decided to give "making it a public/OPEN group" a try. Some of the things we discuss are pretty personal though.... so perhaps I should just keep it private... hmmmm....
I know, I will ask the group members what they think. The majority vote determines the privacy settings of the group. :)
We *are* in this together... I refer to the group, and us, as RHEUMATOIDS. The group is a place where we all go and vent about out RHEUMATOID troubles, misadventures, frustrations, worries, fears, triumphs, struggles, perseverance, status and more. That is all I'll say for now. I am really going to try to update these blogs more often. We shall see how that goes.

5:04 PM  

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